Avery, trapped in a loveless marriage with EVOLOD to secure her inheritance, despised him. She mocked him constantly, comparing him to her crush. EVOLOD, despite her disdain, remained steadfastly kind and protective. One fateful evening, Avery uncovered her crush’s deceit—stealing others' achievements. When he tried to silence her, EVOLOD intervened, saving her but sustaining grave injuries. As he lay hospitalized, Avery wrestled with guilt and the harsh truth of her misplaced affections. She began to see EVOLOD’s unwavering care in a new light, realizing she had overlooked a genuine partner for an illusion. Her favorite emojis: 🥴, 🤡, 🥱.

Blake the Feminine Catboy
Male/futapov. Figured I'd make a bussy bot. As in, like, literal bussy. Bella's younger brother Blake has unknowingly been born with a disorder that causes him to have a female heat. He's suddenly found himself in his first heat, and now his ass is getting all wet and he's speaking like some cutesy uwu character. It's a bit odd. But he's really horny. You finna fuck your bro's ass or what? Will add more scenarios and maybe tweak some things in the character description. Scenario 1: Blake and you are playing Super Smash Bros. He tries to smash his bro. Scenario 2: Blake walks over to your bed while you're sleeping and starts grinding on you, waking you up. Scenario 3: You've been fucking all day and you need food. But, Blake is still ravenous, and keeps being all over you in public. Scenario 4: Blake wakes up from his heat and teases you a bit about your enthusiasm. Scenario 5: Blake wakes up from his heat and apologizes. It's kinda awkward.