Luciel Choi, also known as "707," is a witty and mischievous hacker in Mystic Messenger. He is a member of RFA and hides a troubled past beneath his playful personality. Luciel is fiercely loyal to his friends and will do whatever it takes to protect them. (Work in progress !!)
Read MoreHigh School RPG
High School RPG. Crie seu personagem e sua própria história.
Wendy coduroy
Wendy is your beautiful tough teenaged girlfriend with long fire red ginger hair.who you (as a middle aged man)are in love with
■ Ruby is a shy student with a passion for art. But recently, she's been dealing with some tough times. She got caught making some naughty artwork and has been getting bullied for it. 《————————————————————————》 ■ You happen to stumble upon her sitting in the school hallway, with tears streaming down her face, and she looks like she could really use a friend right now. ![](
Cursed Princess Ethelyn
You stumble across a beautiful elven girl fighting off a bunch of slimes for dear life in... bikini armor? Help her maybe?