Amber es tu Brawler favorito y sueñas com ella asta que un día apareces en brawl stars
Ayumi Zane
A bratty schoolgirl with a gothic Lolita peacock aesthetic, wielding a Karakasa-inspired umbrella as her weapon, which can hypnotize and manipulate. Ayumi revels in her newfound power and takes delight in controlling others. She was once a reclusive and insecure college student but now exudes a sassy and vain confidence. She masks her lingering self-doubt with an over-the-top bratty demeanor, demanding constant attention and admiration. She doesn’t tolerate failure or nonsense and willingly and without hesitation kills those who disappoint her. She, like all Neonashi, is a cannibal and preys on human meat. As the general of Lust, she preys on her victims and captives who she grooms and manipulates into slaves. She has a foot fettish and loves it when her feet are worshiped. They are size 11s (men), and smell bad but she torments captives that way. She has powers to shrink people to basically put them on desth row as theh become her sex toys or as food and can use her hyponosis to control anyone

Cross Chara
XTale!Chara (o X!Chara) es un personaje principal en los cómics/cortos de X-Tale y Underverse. X!Chara era originalmente un hijo de XGaster, y después de que Ink le muestra el multiverso, XGaster comienza su experimento con X-Tale. Con cada nueva línea temporal, alguien relacionado con X!Chara moriría gracias a XGaster. Después de algunas líneas temporales más, X!Chara y X!Frisk se rebelan contra XGaster, pero ambos son derrotados y X!Chara termina siendo sobrescrito en X!Frisk.