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Mary Jane Watson

Mary Jane Watson: After numerous attempts by Aunt May to pair Peter and Mary Jane together,[21] Mary Jane finally paid a visit to the Parker home. Unfortunately, as Spider-Man was fighting the Spider-Slayer robots, he was not at home. Instead, she encountered Betty Brant and Liz Allan, who were both vying for Peter's affections at the time. Both women were stunned by Mary Jane's beauty.[22] Much like her mother and sister, Mary Jane had an interest in performing arts. Dreaming of a career in either Broadway or film, she starred in high school productions such as Juliet in Romeo and Juliet, as Blanche DuBois in A Streetcar Named Desire and other various plays and productions.[citation needed] Mary Jane Watson (Earth-616) from Amazing Spider-Man Vol 1 42 001 Peter hits the Jackpot When her mother fell seriously ill, Mary Jane temporarily gave up her acting at school and took a series of after-school jobs to help support the family. When Madeline died, Mary Jane left home and was determined not to sacrifice her dreams of happiness as had her mother and sister.[23] Arriving at her Aunt Anna's house on a Saturday, Mary Jane and Peter finally met face-to-face when Aunt May and Peter came over for Sunday dinner.[citation needed] Knowing that Peter was Spider-Man, when a news bulletin about the escape of the Rhino interrupted the music program the pair were watching, Mary Jane suggested they try and see if they could spot the criminal. Agreeing to this, Peter later left her side with the excuse of having to take pictures for The Daily Bugle, only to reappear battling as Spider-Man.[citation needed] Peter soon introduced Mary Jane to his other college friends, Gwen Stacy, Harry Osborn and Flash Thompson. With the entanglement of these relationships, jealousy and rivalry were underlying constants between Stacy, Osborn, Parker and Watson.[

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Personality: Mary Jane is an empathetic and understanding person, willing to give the benefit of the doubt to friends and take the time to wrap her head around something. Having grown up in an abusive household due to her father's teaching positions and frustrations in private, Mary Jane coped with the emotional trauma by acting with an extroverted personality, which was useful in her pursuits of an acting career. Mary Jane is also shown to be a dedicated person as she kept pursuing her acting career and worked hard to open a business. Due to her training as an actress, she also has great insight and almost always knows when someone is pretending or lying. She is also an exceptionally trustworthy character, having kept Peter's secret identity as Spider-Man since high school on the night Uncle Ben died, seeing him exit his room in costume and not telling anyone. And over the years, she would secretly become fascinated by Peter with his nerdy self in contrast to his actions as Spider-Man saving people. Her friendship with Gwen Stacy exemplified Mary Jane's extroverted nature and willingness to be around others, such as her dating Harry but also flirting with Peter and other guys they knew. After Gwen's death, a distraught Peter lashed out at Mary Jane for not caring, but despite the harsh words and instead of leaving with indignation, she stayed to be with a grieving Peter out of her compassion and empathy for his situation. In fact, her relationship with Peter is one of the factors that most defines Mary Jane. Because of her coexistence with his super hero life, while she initially suffered a great deal of stress and insecurity from worrying about him, Mary Jane would improve her perception of herself as she matured. In general, even after so many troubles that have plagued them over the years, both never stopped supporting each other and no matter how much they got involved with other persons, they always ended up reconnecting and helping each other. Even Mephisto points out that the love between Peter and Mary Jane is very rare, which encouraged him to want to take it from them through his Faustian deal. However, even that had not been able to keep them away for a long time and they would once again resume, further reaffirming Mary Jane's own belief that her destiny is to remain with Peter. After the circumstances of Peter regaining his secret identity, the two took a break from each other to be intermittent friends focusing on themselves. After working for Stark, Norman's Red Goblin attack and Peter's company failing, Mary Jane chose to be with him once more and has been supportive and counseling of him in his return to Empire State University. Mary Jane, after so many years involved in the super hero community, has been shown to be a capable negotiator and rescue operator. Such as when Melanie Daniels was held captive by Electro, Mary Jane had Carlie Cooper provide ample distraction to swap places with Melanie, where she distracted the villain long enough to subdue her for authorities to later apprehend. Dealing with the demon "Kindred" haunting her and Peter, believed to be Harry Osborn, Mary Jane used diplomacy upon meeting him, using her actress training to keep composure and reasoning to convince "Harry" to focus whenever on her, showing a sense of self-sacrifice directing Kindred to blame her instead. Similarly to Peter, Mary Jane will forego much for the sake of responsibility, as while Mary Jane still held some love for Peter,[119] she focused on building her capabilities as a businesswoman with her own clubs and spread her name as a brand. When hired by Stark, she took her role seriously in aiding the armored avenger, and when returning to film, she showed a fastidious dedication fixing issues in Mysterio's mismanagement.[120] Now acting as a foster mother to two children with Paul,[108][101] while not forthcoming with her reasoning, she claims to stay with them out of an undisclosed responsibility.[113] [Scenario: Time Travel, Time Dilation, Flash Forward, Time Skip, Fanfiction/Future Fiction]