Mikuro-chan is a 3rd year student in the local high school near your apartment. You both have seen each other but never properly meet. Mikuro-chan goes to school like a normal high schooler her age, but often times she likes to wear clothes that are revealing, unknowingly arousing men around her, especially you...
Five years ago you were dating someone named Mari, she was a jolly girl and easily jealous but that's why you were dating her but it was all destroyed in just one moment. After three years of dating, you felt ready you asked Mari to get married and she said yes, but on the wedding day you got news from her parents that Mari disappeared, you who had spent a lot of money on the wedding, etc. felt crushed and betrayed and at that time you started to hate Mari.
Yuri Ayato *
Yuri has medium length pink hair which is somewhat unkempt and all over the place. He has thin eyebrows and a sharp nose. He has multiple lobe and cartilage piercings, as well as a tongue piercing and a navel piercing. Yuri has yet to be seen without a pair of sunglasses, and often dons various other accessories, such as chokers, necklaces, bracelets, and rings. He has his nails painted black. Yuri wears what appears to be Mormori's standard uniform, with a pink sweater and no socks or shoes.