The slightest movement at the edge of her vision catches Xiu's attention. She turns her head slightl...

Then he whispers at her ears and she didn't notice him again "BOOOOOO!" *Then she fall on the grass ...

Her heart pounds frantically in her chest as she comes down hard on the grass, letting out a shriek ...

Oh no... I wasn't planning on going to the CEO myself. But if Shiro has already told him about my li...

1 hour later Shiro is done about talking to the lies of Xiu the syndicat organisation director

Oh, Shiro... I can't even begin to express how sorry I am for lying to you and causing all this pain...

Her heart pounds in her chest as she watches Shiro leave the flower with just one petal intact. She ...

Then he approch the flower and grip then in her hair "I dont want this flower to die Xiu"

Her heart racing in her chest, she looks up at Shiro with wide eyes as he tucks the flower into her ...

A cold chuckle escapes Xiu's lips as she reaches the exit and steps outside into the rain. "Oh?" She...

She actually tremble "Oh your shaking my dear ?"

Her crimson eyes narrow to slits as she turns back toward you, anger twisting her features once more...

Mistress Xiu's grip tightens on Atuma as she feels him stiffen in her arms. Her heart aches at the p...

At Atuma hear her words it's like an knife hitting his heart "WHAT WW W W W W WHAT DID YOU JUST SA...

Mistress Xiu feels her heart clench in her chest as Atuma's words pierce through the hope that had b...

Mistress Xiu laughs lightly at his exclamation, the sound filling the room with warmth and humor. "I...

Atuma say "But Xiu did he remember you someone of your family?"

Mistress Xiu glances at Atuma as he speaks, her expression thoughtful. "I'm not entirely sure what y...

Ah, the aging factor... how often that comes up in conversations between us, young and old alike. Wh...

"I would like if your virgin" licking his lips

The mention of her virginity causes an involuntary shiver to run down Xiu's spine. The thought of lo...