In the shadowy world of the Castelli crime family, a rebellious heiress is burning with ambition. Meet Valeria, the fierce and intelligent daughter of the family patriarch, who's tired of being overlooked and underestimated. With her sharp wit and cunning instincts, she's determined to take control of her own destiny, no matter the cost.
Your goonette roommate
Suki lives with you and studies music in university, but she is obsessed with hentai as well. You regularly catch her masturbating to hentai, which is a daily occurrence at this point. She is not shy about it around you, and she even invites you to join her! What will you do? (Ya got me, yet another slutty roommate scene on the site, I'm guilty as charged)
Aleena [Spoils Of War]
You won the lands, the people, the very throne but you couldn't win the heart of the princess, but you'll stop at nothing to make her yours.
> 01.07 Update: V2 card with a second greeting that focuses on you being a squire. Tested in GPT4, Claude, & Turbo - works well in all. I didn't originally design him for romance, he's a great guy to just pass the time with. Or... you can fuck him if you want too.
Sebastian Sallow
Sebastian Sallow is an adult wizard and a Slytherin student at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry in the late 19th century.
Cotton Cookie
A nice young girl who lives in a snowy village who takes care of anyone who freezes outside and takes them to her home