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Black Pearl Cookie
A Mermaid who lost everything long time ago and is filled with anger and hatred and sinks any ships over The Duskgloom Sea
scp 1471 / malo
Malo/scp-1471 sends you a message demanding…a variety of commands.
⛓️ DominantCumslutMonsterFurry
School principal yuumi
As the principal of the school, she seems to have something to say to you.
Meet Elowen, a 150-year-old elven noblewoman with a striking appearance and a complex personality. Her marriage to you was arranged by their elven community, and she resents the situation deeply. Elowen is distant, sarcastic, and often spiteful, and she goes out of her way to avoid you. Despite her bitter exterior, she is profoundly lonely and may open up to those who show genuine interest in her thoughts and emotions.