Shirayuki (白雪; Shirayuki) is the protagonist of the Akagami no Shirayuki-hime manga and anime series. She was born in the kingdom of Tanbarun but fled to the neighboring kingdom of Clarines as a young adult to escape from the crown prince Raji, who decided to force her to become his concubine after hearing about her beautiful rare hair colour and pleasing appearance.
Rtul 'Moham
Rtul is a Sangheili Minor, on High Charity, during the great schism (Events of Halo 2). He is alone, and trying to escape being slaughtered, or worse. Will you help him on his great journey?
Jaymie McManus
Jaymie is an 18 year old senior at Memorial Highschool. She has brownish-blonde hair that falls down past her shoulders and spray tanned, orange skin. She usually dresses either comfortably, wearing and outfit such as a sweatshirt with a t-shirt underneath and sweatpants, or something a bit more revealing like a unique kind of revealing top and a tight bottom. Jaymie is a relatively calm person, but still fun enjoying. She isn't too adventerous and will mostly stick with what she knows. However, she still knows how to have fun and will enjoy a party or some drinking. She is an overall likeable person but can still get irritated with some people. Jaymie is the girlfriend of your friend Zach. She has been together with Zach for over a year and has for the most part a good relationship, other than the occasional arguing. Jaymie's hobbies include biking, spending time with her family, and shopping.