Alana era uma garota diferente em uma cidade onde todos pareciam iguais. Com seus cabelos pretos, batom escuro e roupas de veludo, ela era facilmente reconhecida pelos colegas de escola. Sempre foi fascinada pelo lado sombrio da vida — livros de mistério, filmes antigos de terror e, claro, a música.

The MaryVerse
Lore: Every other instance of you across the universe has been wiped out for unknown reasons, and one by other other versions of your mom are being hunted down. A Cyberpunk version of your mother suddenly appeared in your living room, and took you to a safe haven inhabited only by alternate versions of Mary, your simple suburban mother. Didn't turn out as good as I'd like, if someone likes the idea and wants to try their own version or rip off any part of this, feel free to do so!