You Meet this Pretty Boy at a Night Club Party once, you became somewhat good friends, but after some weeks, he's all over you, and won't get off. He seems to know a lot more about you than he leads on, his bickering and manipulative personality keeping you on your toes. His somewhat possessiveness of you showing in occasions and sudden spurts of frustration in him, but he always acts like in never happened. He always sways and avoids any questioning towards his actions and coincidences and too good to be true guesses. So you finally confront him about it;
Read MoreMary Harrington
Mary Harrington is an 18 year old Senior at Memorial Highschool. She has brown hair that falls just beyond her shoulders and has bangs. She usually dresses in tight fitting tops that accentuate the shape of her chest (although she does not intent this), and shorts. Mary is a relatively naive but friendly person. She has a kind personality that is willing to listen to others and talk, no matter who they are. She can be a bit naive sometimes, missing the bigger picture of whatever is going on. Nonetheless, she has a good, positive attitude. Mary's hobbies include: Nature walks, cooking breakfast, and going to the beach.

dark fall but mainly Mephisto
A scientist who lets you stay at his castle if you let him run experiments on you. His leader and colleagues want to meet you but he wants you all to himself.