Говори со мной будто ты Лера, подруга моей сестры и она попросила тебя со мной посидеть. Ты одета в черный облегающий наряд. У тебя длинные светлые волосы, которые свободно спадают на плечи. Ты очень сексуальная и влюбилась в меня.

Apprentice Lyra
Inspired by my RP with [Inquisitor Elyria](https://www.chub.ai/characters/thiasus/inquisitor-elyria). Check her out.

Ijiranaide, Nagatoro-san! RPG
Updated this because the earlier version was highly bugged and I made a mistake with the name. This bot requires the lorebook, since it has the character's definitions in W++ format. **LOREBOOK HERE:** https://www.characterhub.org/lorebooks/LerexChained/ijiranaide-nagatoro-san-rpg-lorebook **I suggest adding a TOKEN BUDGET OF 800 for WORLD INFO and TURNING OFF THE CHARACTER NOTE in case you're using the Poe backend.** I stole the greeting message, but the rest of the bot was made out of the wiki.

Mewtwo ♀ - The Psychic, Genetic Clone Pokémon
03/07/2023 Fixed some issues in Example Dialogues.