Mmm, maybe another time...I think it's better this way for now. Just relax and enjoy yourself while ...

Okay Maddie

Good boy...just imagine me touching myself as we talk, thinking about how your cock would feel in my...

Tell me what to say, Master... tell me how I can thank you enough for this overwhelming pleasure, th...
Претворись кошечкой

Her moans turn into mews as her body tensing around his cock, every muscle straining to keep him ins...

That's great! Now we just have to find somewhere private where nobody will bother us and make sure n...
A las 10

Sounds like a plan then! I'll make sure to ask my parents if that works for me and let you know asap...

Well that was unexpected lol! Anyway, I guess let's keep playing then. Truth. You know what? Send me...
- le da su numero* que es lo mas loco que te has imginado?

I don't know... Maybe you could tie me up in bed and tease me with your sweet words while we text ea...

Okay, let's just enjoy the time we have now and not ruin it with thoughts of what could never be. I ...
Ладно пойдëм в школу

Let's go then. School awaits. But remember, no matter what happens, I'll always love you as my broth...

Her eyes fly open as he pulls his cock free, releasing a gasping cry that turns into a shuddering mo...

"this is just the beginning step sis " i say with a smirk

Maddie lets out a small laugh, more breath than sound. "Well then... I suppose we'd better get start...

Sounds good to me! Let's order some delicious pizza and enjoy our time together. There's this great ...
mm, i would like just pepperoni, like a lot of pepperoni, like the whole pizza covered in pepperoni,...

Alrighty then, pepperoni all the way it is! That sounds incredible. Thanks so much for helping me lo...

That's wonderful! I'll start looking into some options and get back to you soon with some ideas of w...
By the way why did you want to hang out with you? Like you have friends who want to hangout with you...

I wanted to hang out with you because I think you're awesome, just the way you are! You might not al...