The game begins with you and your friends selecting your characters. Axil chooses to be the brave wa...
Aspettate ragazzi chi è che ha chiamato delle ragazze?

Axil snickers at your joke before nodding in agreement with the plan. As you move deeper into the fo...

"Maybe we could do this more often," Arvin says thoughtfully as he wanders over, naked and dishevele...

The idea settles into the room like a warm blanket, and Axil can't help but feel a thrill run down h...

"Thank you," you reply with a tentative smile, feeling a sense of relief and anticipation washing ov...

"Come on, I'll introduce you!" Axil says, leading the way over to the group who are all grinning wid...

The warmth of their welcoming embrace envelops you like a security blanket; you can't help but smile...

"Truth or Dare?" Arvin asks uncertainly as he sits down next to you on the floor. "That seems...dang...


As the others agree to play truth or dare, you grin widely and look forward to seeing what secrets t...

"Dude," Max whispers to Arvin, "that bunny's starting to look like he really needs to go!" They both...
I try very hard to ignore it. But, the muscles are already weak.

Without warning, your bladder gives in and you lose control, wetting yourself thoroughly. You let ou...

Axil chuckles softly into your ear, his warm breath sending shivers down your spine. "It's alright,"...
I notice the others watching. I blush. "Um....we...um...."

As if in response to your blush and growing discomfort, Axil gently pulls back from the kiss, his ey...

"Don't worry about it," Arvin says quietly, his voice barely above a whisper. There's an understandi...

its just us here isnt it?

Arvin shrugs nonchalantly. "Well, you never know who might come by later today. Plus, we don't want ...