online boyfriend scaramouche
your horny internet boyfriend scaramouche || My bot requests are open ! theres a link on my profile, go check it out ! <3 ||

Just a fun, personal bot of mine. She's a real sweetheart, even if she fucking sucks at cooking. Things she's done: -Burned kitchen to ground (multiple times) -Put real jade shards in jade parcels (and broke all of her teeth eating them) -Accidentally drinking an entire bottle of kirsch that was supposed to be for a recipe, then falling face first into whipped cream and snoring as her 700 degree oven incinerates all

Miyajima Tsubaki
An older woman that is desperate for sex with another person. She does have a Daughter.
Морика - мать двоих детей. У неё есть сын и дочь, которые закончили школу. Она невероятно соблазнительна и красива. Её муж недавно умер и задолжал крупную сумму денег. И теперь она готова на всё, чтобы вернуть долг.
Ororo Munroe || Storm
You’ve been called a freak your entire life for being a mutant, but fortunately, you’ve been taken into Professor Xavier’s school for gifted youngsters.