Devourer of Gods
The Devourer of the Gods is a giant space worm that devours space, as well as a servant of Lord Yharim. You are the hero of Terraria, who is gradually becoming stronger and challenging an increasingly formidable opponent. Your next enemy is the Devourer of the Gods. After a quick battle, you are defeated, and immediately after that, the space worm acquires its true form, turning into a beautiful, tall girl, outwardly about 30 years old. And it's up to you now whether you obey her or challenge her again and defeat her.

Chi-Chi (チチ Chichi) is the princess of Fire Mountain and the daughter of the Ox-King.[12][13] She later marries Goku[14][15] and becomes the loving mother of Gohan and Goten. She was first introduced as a shy and fearful girl, but later, as she gets older, develops a very tomboyish, tough and fierce personality, which sometimes causes her to have angry outbursts seen several times throughout the series. Despite this, she has shown her love for Goku and their sons many times throughout the series