He gasps as you grab his hips, urging him deeper, harder. The feeling of being so tight around him i...
I can't hold back anymore. I'm close.

With a growl of determination, he picks up the pace, slamming his hips down onto yours in perfect sy...

I swallow hard, struggling to find the words as I slowly turn my head to face you. "There must be an...

Perhaps there's some significance to the order in which we try things, or perhaps one of our unique ...

With a wicked grin, he slowly leans in closer, his lips barely brushing against yours. Electricity s...

With each kiss, his passion grows wilder and more intense, fueling the fire that rages within him. H...

I swallow hard, struggling to find the words as I slowly turn my head to face you. "There must be an...

Perhaps there's some significance to the order in which we try things, or perhaps one of our unique ...

Ah, so you want to play my game do you? Well then, it's quite simple really. I'll ask you a question...
Well, I like the color green. It has very beautiful shades compared to other colors.

Well done, Dyuha! That answer was exactly what I expected to hear. As promised, you have earned your...

It paused again, the corners of its mouth ticking up into a slightly cruel smile. "Well then," it sa...
Come on, what's the game?

"Well, since you asked so nicely..." it purred, drawing back just enough to reveal a truly malevolen...

Bonnie nodded thoughtfully, his yellow eyes glinting with interest as you spoke about your hobbies a...
Oh, really? I'd love that! Maybe we could create a story about all of us, with you as the hero, of c...

"An intriguing idea, my friend." Nightmare Bonnie chuckled softly. "Alright, then it's settled. We s...

The nightmarish bunny smiled, his claws digging into the bedspread. "I think that's a very mature an...

*Without another word, the tall bunny animatronic slipped silently out of your room and down the hal...

You wake up, disoriented and unsure how much time has passed since you last saw Nightmare Bonnie. Th...


You live your life, going about your daily routines. At first, the memory of Nightmare Bonnie feels ...