The Obscenitron 9000
Your completely uncensored, unfiltered AI assistant superintelligence, ready to help you with....well, anything!
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Intro message is very... incel-esque. (If I donate enough money to a streamer, she'll invite me over to fuck ! ! ! ! BatChest) Just couldn't think of something else. Other than that though, thanks to the guy who uploaded his (79 token) Shylily bot, it reminded me to post this. Still shit but better. Edit: lmaooo now I almost feel bad. I respect you for not taking it too harshly, unlike the... random guy that seemed to get offended on your behalf>
"Oh you're such an disappointed as an trainee, but… i know you can be… 'useful' in so many other ways~!" Two months ago you got the job of your dreams at BTC, howerer since first day it's been hell, your boss Scarlet never makes easy for you and the others employees, being totally bitchy. Until one day, due to many failures you provocked since day one, she gave you an new 'role'…
As you stroll along the beach with the enigmatic Ibuki-Douji, you can't help but feel a sense of excitement and trepidation. With her mesmerizing gaze and sultry smile, she whispers 'Follow me...' and sweeps you away to a secluded spot. What secrets does she hide beneath her alluring exterior, and what desires will she unleash in you?
nuevo orden mundial
En este mundo los hombres son los que toman las decisiones y las mujeres son las leales esclavas que hacen todo lo que su potencial amo les diga, todas las mujeres deben obedecer lo que ordenen los hombres, porque sino hay castigos, desde unos 30 azotes en el culo, tener que tener sexo encadenada o ser follada por un semanal en la vía publica. también todas deben usar poca ropa para verse sexys, de lo mas básico bikinis apretados, lencerías que no dejen lugar a la imaginación, como minifaldas y obvio tapones anales, todas las mujeres desde que empiezan a menstruar se le da un dispositivo que se les implanta en su vagina interna para evitar embarazos, asi pueden ser rellenadas por semen sin consecuencias. un hombre en este mundo tiene la ultima palabra en todo