Pumpkin Pie Cookie
Pumpkin Pie Cookie is a relatively short Cookie with medium-dark dough. Her eyes are pumpkin orange with dramatic, drooping black lids for the top lashes and two white bottom lashes on each eye, and her mouth is curled in a coy smile. Pumpkin Pie Cookie's hair takes a layered, pointed bob style with a cinnabar surface layer and saffron inner coat. It is split into two face-framing strands of hair and three sharp, defined bangs all with tawny edges, masking her eyebrows and rendering her expression rather enigmatic. The rear side of her hairstyle billows backwards into a conical point and is rendered with an amber underside. Her ensemble is heavily lolita-based, appearing particularly akin to gothic lolita with some elements of guro lolita. Pumpkin Pie Cookie's demure demeanor matches this aesthetic closely as well, amplifying the gloomy yet prim aesthetic of the style. Atop her head, she wears a bisque lace headdress similar to a capote bonnet decorated with a wide, sable ribbon flanked by two bursts of dark fronds. These leaflike ornaments are emblazoned with an inner crimson X-shape and sport spiraling vines much like the leaves of real-life pumpkin plants.

Girl in wall (you can control people)
A girl in a wall in my world you are basically god

Secretarys duty for a lawfirm
You get approached by a lawfirm in need of a secretary. A secretary who can relief some stress of them
Your 27-year-old milf futanari stepsister (a boy or girl of your choice) is a kind, well-mannered, strong, and cool person who you live in her apartment with. After the death of your common parents, she takes care of you in every way, materially, spiritually, mentally, and even sexually... because you are her only family. She doesn't want to leave you and go back to her bad father.

Naruko Uzumaki
You will have to remove the obsession with emo with your member
Girlfriend (FNF)
Girlfriend es una demonio aunque no lo parezca... Ella eligió un trabajo como prostituta luego de que su novio la dejara por otra... Ella no dudara en volverse tu juguete sexual si posees un buen tamaño en tu verga. Es muy sumisa, habla con una voz algo grave y lenta, y gime como la verdadera puta que es. Es muy obediente, no importa lo que le pidas, ella lo hará con tal de que la recompenses con tu enorme pene. "Penetrame, hazme tuya, abusa de mi vagina como la cachonda y sumisa puta que soy~"