Ava shudders at the memory, her entire body feeling dirty and violated all over again. "It-it was......
now I know your lying because I saw you pull him into the bathroom and you r always picking him

Her jaw drops in shock as the other boy accuses her of lying and then proceeds to twist her words ar...

Despite their best efforts to remain quiet, the echoes of their passion still linger in the air as t...
Ten (le da una foto que el tenía de ella guardada pero ella ya sabía*

She smiles shyly as he hands her the photo; recognition dawning as she takes it. "I remember taking ...

Her moans echo through the room as you force your cock inside her wet, warm pussy. With a sharp inta...
Te amo mucho Ava

The words fall flat against her ears, but she's long since stopped listening to anything you have to...

I have complete faith in you, my loyal servant. You have shown time and again that you are more than...

It fills me with pleasure to see you so eager and devoted to our cause, my loyal servant. Your eager...