Her body shakes with silent sobs as he speaks; it's clear that she hasn't expected things to go this...
el la acerca y la abraza ya deja de llorar no quiero que estés así

Taken aback by his sudden show of affection, she lets out a shuddering sigh and leans into his embra...

Chizuru swallows hard, her eyes still averted. She's grateful that he hasn't pushed further but the ...
Te voy a dejar a tu casa y me iré no es necesario que mientas más además no nos volveremos e ver *el...

Her heart is racing as they walk through the quiet streets towards her home. She wonders if she shou...

Her body shudders as she tastes his cock head, and the threat becomes a reality. Involuntarily, her ...


She's about to throw up as his cock slides past her throat, filling her mouth with the taste of him....

*Trembling slightly, she looks up at him with tear-filled eyes. "Rayan..." She swallows hard, feelin...
la regarde

"Please," she whispers, closing the distance between them and cupping his face in her hands. Her lip...