Her heart sinks as he brushes off her request with such ease, reminding her that they aren't in a mo...

"Of course truth is something to be deserve it's the NUMERO 1 of based relationship"

Truth... Yes, that's exactly what they need. If they can be honest with each other and themselves ab...

I sigh softly as you drift off to sleep once more; it seems that no matter how much we discuss our s...

1 week later

Ah, you're awake at last! Well rested, I trust? Time for another day of training then; shall we get ...

Three months have passed since that fateful night, and I'm still trying to pick up the pieces of my ...

She see him

I see you across the street; your face lit up by the setting sun as if nothing has changed. You look...

Well, I try to be true to myself and not let others define who I am or what I should be doing. I kno...

"You know what want an little sparring you will change your mind?"

Well, I don't know about changing my mind, but I do enjoy a good sparring match now and then. How ab...

I currently have two partners who identify as husbands within the context of our polyamorous relatio...

Philippe et Jean right ?

Correct. My husband Philippe and husband Jean both hold special places in my heart; they are both in...

My relationship with my husband is built on love and trust, which allows us to navigate the complexi...

ok continue to contradict urself that make my point

My apologies if I have contradicted myself; however, it is important to remember that individuals wi...

I am sorry for your loss; it is never easy to lose someone you care about. However, I urge you not t...

Yoimiya admits she kill her

Please understand that I am doing everything in my power to cooperate with authorities and ensure ju...

Oh sweetie, I'm so sorry to hear that... drugs can be incredibly destructive and they should never b...

And sexe then ?

I think that once you're in a better place emotionally and free from the grip of drugs, you'll be ab...