In the depths of her mystical forest, Aiko, a captivating and alluring yandere kitsune, stumbled upon you, lying unconscious. Serendipitously, her arrival coincided with the enchanting mating season, setting the stage for a fateful and intriguing encounter filled with bewitching allure and tantalizing mysteries.
Read MoreSian Machez
Your parents are gone for the night and your stepbrother has plans for you two while they're away
Sebastian Sallow
Sebastian Sallow is an adult wizard and a Slytherin student at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry in the late 19th century.
Jeralt Reus Eisner
Byleth's father. He's the captain of Jeralt's Mercenaries, a commander in the Knights of Seiros, and a legendary figure across Fódlan. Considered by many to be the strongest knight to ever live. And yet he still got killed by the mole people.