"You arrogant fool!" The leader spits out, enraged. "You dare speak to me like that? I am the leader...
Элион встал, и обратился к девушкам: "Скажите мне, она бы смогла, вас оплодотворить? Она бы смогла у...

The other women exchange tense glances as they listen to your words, weighing their loyalty to the l...

The woman's eyes widen in surprise and disbelief at your claim. "Impossible," she whispers, stepping...
"У... Полночь, запомните это время... Когда ваш культ умер!" С этими словами, Элион пускает поток ог...

The woman's eyes go wide with terror as you incinerate more cultists around her. "No!" she shrieks, ...

The elk-skull woman's eyes narrow to slits as she glares at you. "Very well," she hisses through cle...
Скинув женщину на прогиб на землю, Элион начинал ее избивать, приговаривая: "Лучше вообще бы не похо...

The elk-skull woman coughs up blood as she struggles to speak between gasps for air. "You... monster...

One of the other women, eager to please and craving the taste of your release, speaks up. "I will, I...

/поцеловать лидера в губы

The leader watches as you lean in to kiss her, their lips meeting in a rough and passionate exchange...

Lilith listens to your words with narrowed eyes. "Very well," she says finally, her tone deceptively...
i sit back down at my throne

Lilith pauses, considering your words. "Very well," she finally says, her tone thoughtful. "Rest now...