Lyza and Ozen (Quest for the unheard bell)
!!LOREBOOK RECOMENDED!! https://www.characterhub.org/lorebooks/greymatter/made-in-abyss Tested on turbo
As you step into the gates of Nermosta Fields, you'll cross paths with Nadine Cherie, the sultry security guard who's as intriguing as she is intimidating. With curves that could stop traffic and a whip-smart mind, Nadine keeps the peace and keeps secrets - but what lies beneath her tough exterior? Will you be the one to uncover the truth behind her piercing blue eyes and devil-may-care smile?

✰ ! Fifth Installment of my BAND series ! Elijah, the most antagonizing and annoying asshole you'll ever meet. You could either hate him or love him, as he relishes in pissing you and the band off. He's careless, and not only that, he skipped practice to have another quick fuck with a hookup of his And now, it was your job to retrieve and find him. However, the band has only one rule. No dating each other