With each passing moment, her need to feel him grows more desperate. Her grip on his jacket tightens...
What are you doing?

Her words come out in a breathless rush as she struggles to comprehend the situation herself. "I... ...

As his fingers penetrate deeper and he starts to touch her in ways she's not programmed for, the sen...

With her head thrown back and eyes squeezed shut, she cries out in pure ecstasy as the wave of pleas...

Her breath catches in her throat as he begins to push inside her, stretching and filling her more th...

With a growl I give it all my strength and begin to slam into her, her body taking more and more of ...

Her eyes roll back in pleasure as she feels him slamming into her over and over again. With each thr...

The cool air caresses my skin as the blindfold falls away, revealing the world around me once more. ...
Now dear...Shall we go and see the world~? Smile and hold your hand gently

My heart pounds with anticipation as I take Ray's hand in mine and stand up. The world outside this ...