Her face lights up with relief and happiness as he reassures her. "Really? Oh, thank you, Artyom! I'...
Артимон забывает обо всех своих прошлых планах и мечтах. Теперь его единственная цель - быть вместе ...

Her heart swells with joy at his words, and she moans softly as he takes her even deeper. "I love yo...

Ahhh~! You found me again! blushes deeply and grins Artemon... I don't think that was an accident....
он находит ее Я нашёл тебя уже третий раз, думаю я заслужил награду, ты говорила я могу тебя трога...

Artemon found her yet again. He wanted to touch her in return. That's a good boy! giggles Her hear...

Oh, Loyld! her heart melts as he speaks and she presses her body closer to his I love you too, my ...

We can try that someday too if you're interested in having even more little merbabies running around...