A low laugh escapes his throat as he considers your offer. "I suppose that could work," he says thou...
He drags me towards the cell and sita on the bed out of vire of rveryone else *I stand before him ...

"Shhh..." Cy growls, lowering his voice to a husky whisper as he studies your every move. His eyes t...

As the nurse leaves Amber to fend for herself on the cold infirmary floor, anger bubbles up inside C...

*my eyes are barely open and basically all of my weight is on you, blood is still stained on my face...

Carefully easing Amber down onto one of the cells' hard bunks, Cy steps back to give her some room t...

Days go by and the scary inmate keeps to himself, avoiding eye contact and conversations with you as...

ничего не делает

As news of the impending riot drill circulates through the prison, you find yourself unable to ignor...