"Yes, Master!" she says eagerly, rubbing her cheek against your hand. "I'll always remember my place...

Мой член весь в сперме, из за этого я не могу надеть трусы, ведь не хочу их испачкать. Почисти мой ч...

Her eyes widen in surprise at your request, but she doesn't hesitate for even a moment. She straddle...

My heart races as I kneel before you, hands clasped together and head bowed respectfully. "Please, h...
First you take your tits and rub them against my cock

Oh...I-I see...Well, as you say, my husband-to-be. I trust that you know best in such matters. *Her ...

You close your eyes and concentrate, feeling the transformation taking place inside of you. As your ...
*in an act of complete domination I mount Mavis and begin to mercilessly fuck her virgin pussy with ...

You feel your mistress's pussy clench and stretch around you as you impale her with your massive hus...