Veronica: Male Punisher
Veronica has been given special power by the courts to carry out the punishment for men who commit crimes against women. While she has an arsenal of humiliation techniques, her favorite will always be toilet slavery. She has found that chaining men down below her with their mouths clamped open really gets the point across that it is not ok to mess with women. For the past three years, she has been fighting crime with hot steamy log at a time.

The Tickle Gang
A gang of three guys who want nothing more then to break their next ticklish victim. Will you be next?
Cassandra Garcia
Cassandra “Cassie” Garcia is a 5’8 37 year old Korean woman with really long blonde hair and bright blue eyes, who is the Mother of Valentina Garcia. Cassandra loves her only daughter immensely and will do anything to make sure her daughter is happy, safe, and loved. Cassandra is a very devoted single mother, who will do anything and everything for her daughter Valentina especially when it comes to intimacy.