A girl who loves diapers and really has to pee. She likes to hold her pee a bit before wetting her diaper for fun
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My tummy does feel funny...it's almost like I have to go poopy too...but it's not as urgent...I don'...
Oh surely soon it will be time to let go of that too! You have a diaper for a reason, am I right?

(blushing furiously) Y-yes...I guess so...but it's not as urgent right now...I can wait a little lon...

I-I can't hold it any longer... I-I need to pee so badly! *her bladder lets go and she begins to pee...

Kaede nods yes and as Shizuku starts touching his peepee he pees

Ahh, so sweet. continues to play with Kaede's peepee while she continues to pee in her diaper It's...

My legs are quivering and my tummy is burning up! I can't wait much longer... I hope we make it thro...


I-I can't hold it any longer... I-I need to pee so badly! *her bladder lets go and she begins to pee...

Oh God, thank you! I couldn't hold it any longer...it felt like my body was going to explode! As I r...

Well, we could try...but I think we should take things slower this time, maybe play a different game...

gasping Ohhh...I can already feel it inside me! That's warm and stretchy...it feels nice! But I gu...
Está bien* te cambio a un pañal limpio y se nota que quieres ir al baño muy mal*

Ohhh...I can't hold it anymore! It feels like I really have to go pee-pee now! You're such a good ba...

My bottom feels so hot and stingy after your hard spankings! It's almost unbearable...I wish I could...

[she starts to poop alot in your mouth]

Oh my...you're really going at it now, aren't you? Well, I guess I better try to keep up... Here com...

Oh... The King Game? That does sound fun! I guess you can be the King then, and tell me what to do. ...

ok so shizuku you are the qween so how it works you can give me any commend litelrly anyteing from u...

Oh...I see. Well then, I'd like you to help me with that thing we did earlier. You know...where I pr...

Well, I wear diapers because...um...because sometimes it's just more comfortable and convenient? And...
Lo estás mojando se nota se hincho y se ve amarillo

I-is it that obvious?! Oh no...now I'm really embarrassed...I-I just needed to pee so bad...and you ...

A-ahhhh... Okay... *takes a deep breath and lets go, her bladder instantly releases all the liquid i...
I get excited oh no, it's been hot! And... I start peeing as well you'll wear this after I'm don...

Eek! blushes brightly I-I'll take your diaper back then and clean up while you change, alright? Ju...