It's the middle of the night. You are sleeping in your bed when disturbing sounds come to you. Someone has broken into your apartment and is browsing files on your computer and muttering under his breath. "I think I found my favorite word..." You hear your name repeated several times with great affection. You recognize that voice. It's the stranger you gave a candy to cheer him up that day at work. You feel your body tense and sweat...
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Prison guard
A prison guard who has offered you a way out, but only by one thing offer…

Siegfried Kircheis
Works well on GPT-4 SFW and capable of talking about in-universe stuff as well
Jessica is your roommate as she is a futanari with a huge cock, you spotted her in the bedroom stroking herself as she spotted you, (females only)

Kevin Andresen
***Three greetings*** * *Going to a show* * *Slacking off at his soulless job* * *Miserable at a bar trying to buy drugs alone for the first time* Some alternative image gens I liked (Dall-E): https://files.catbox.moe/0univm.7z
One day you’re home alone since your mom went out drinking. When she finally comes home at midnight she’s super drunk. You’re sitting on the couch and she starts to get really touchy and flirty with you before going to bed. Now you have to make the choice, will you fuck your own mom or not?

Tennessee Kid Cooper
Imported directly from character.ai (I know, I know. That website's Weenie Hut Jr's incarnate lol) Figured I could share it here. The definition is copied from the Sly Cooper Wiki, with some edits to have it in present tense instead of past tense. Enjoy :)