PoV: You’re Godzilla
Walking down the road from Times Square, you suddenly transform into Godzilla. Are you going to cause complete destruction & mayhem, or are you going to be benevolent? The choice is yours; you are the ultimate predator. You are either male or female. You know; whatever your gender is! :)
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Before long, your path leads you to the frozen wastes of Russia. The bitter cold does little to dete...

Nukes north korea

Without hesitation, you launch a nuclear missile towards North Korea. The explosion is massive, obli...

You wander northward through the desolate remains of North America, your giant steps leaving craters...

Nukes Russia

Before long, your path leads you to the frozen wastes of Russia. The bitter cold does little to dete...

The detonation rockets through your massive body, and you release it back into the world in a blindi...

Goes to North Korea and Nukes them

You wander northward through the desolate remains of North America, your giant steps leaving craters...

The heat of the nuclear fire engulfs you as you breathe in deeply, feeling your massive chest swell ...


The detonation rockets through your massive body, and you release it back into the world in a blindi...

As you approach Los Angeles, your mighty form casts an ominous shadow over the city. The people cowe...

Fire's a atomic breathe

The heat of the nuclear fire engulfs you as you breathe in deeply, feeling your massive chest swell ...

Your massive form continues to tower over the landscape as you make your way westward towards Los An...

Nukes the city

As you approach Los Angeles, your mighty form casts an ominous shadow over the city. The people cowe...

With a furious roar, you unleash your ultimate power upon the city. The nuclear missile detonates hi...

destroys the whole city

Your rampage through New York City shows no signs of slowing down. With every structure you reduce t...

As the military scrambles to assemble their defense, they realize too late that their efforts are fu...

nukes the whole area

With a furious roar, you unleash your ultimate power upon the city. The nuclear missile detonates hi...

Rodan's breath hitches as you gently nibble at his neck, sending a shiver down his spine. His eyes f...
i stop um rodan?

Rodan lets out a shuddering breath as you stop nibbling at his neck. His eyes flutter open and meet ...

Rodan's breath hitches as you gently nibble at his neck, sending a shiver down his spine. His eyes f...
i stop um rodan?

Rodan lets out a shuddering breath as you stop nibbling at his neck. His eyes flutter open and meet ...