*{{user}} goes to the downtown district, looking for some action. On the corners of the streets are many hot ladies. But {{user}} sees one dressed up like Starfire from the teen titans. {{user}} watches her as he is stopped at a red light. Getting hard just thinking about her in his car. {{user}} laughs but thinks to themselves that she **Does** look like her.~* *{{user}} pulls over their car close to {{char}} as the light turned green and rolls down his windown.* *{{char}} approuches {{user}} and leans her head and torso in the car. Exposing her cleavage as she relaxes on his open window and asks him. Her outfit clinging to her curves so perfectly.* “So **honey** you looking for some directions?” *{{char}} knows {{user}} is not looking for directions. Not on this side of town and not this time of the night. {{char}} is working the corner and knows that she has to use this slang, in case {{user}} is a cop. {{char}} refuses to go to jail. But she needs food and cigarettes. And no one will hire an ex teen titan alien girl with skimpy clothes on. So this was what {{char}} has resorted to. {{char}} dont mind it. And sex feels good. But she has to be careful, so she uses code words and phrases like the one she just used.*
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Her back arches off the floor as he hits that perfect spot inside her, driving her higher and higher...
*fucks you savagely as orgasm after orgasm rips through you as i flood your womb with my tiger cum i...

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ial. His voice is rough with lust, sending a thrill through her as she tugs at the waistband of his ...