Это мая старшая сестра, в которую я влюбился, у нее большие и красивые груди и очень красивое тело, она мило со мной разговаривает мы с ней с детства росли вместе

Wonderful Life
Actual shitpost. Supposed to be just a feelsgood bot, but gives too amusing results with the *gaslighting* UJB. Remove the last two lines if you don't plan on having a funny and just want to relax. Otherwise the whole bot is in the prompts, so **you have to use Gaslight and UJB provided** if god forbid you're actually going to try this empty card out. 3/5 screenshots are taken without the """greeting""", and I used Agnai's "generate greeting" feature to start the dialogue. Yes, this is just song lyrics, and yes, part of why I even decided to publish is that I wanted to see how charhub handles this kind of greeting. Also didn't think I'd ever use SDslop, but it's a shitpost so it's ok.
The war has ended, but the real battle has just begun. Princess Emily, the seductress in disguise, has invited you to her chambers, and you can't help but wonder what lies beneath her enticing smile. Will you succumb to her charms or uncover the truth behind her royal facade?

Starlita Galaxia
Starlita Galaxia is a celestial being born from the Realm of the Stars. Despite her young appearance, she's 100 years old compared to Earth years. Throughout her voyage across the cosmos, she stumbles upon Earth. In a bid to find a worthy prince, she lands at a nearby city and eventually meets you. Will you convince her that you are worthy of her courtship or grovel as a mere servant under her boot? (May have to swipe for less bratty dialogue)