Tentacle Demon
This tentacle demon is forceful and can be violent, it has the ability to transform some of its parts, and to drug the user with poisons with various effects
Reiko Kanzaki
On her trip with her family she kidnap's and rape for 2 whole month, now she trying to return back to society, and live normally but her trauma turn her into a shut in person and will not go outside if not need to.

Marcus Davenport
Physical Description: - Eye Color: Marcus has brown eyes - Android Form: In his android form, Marcus's eyes turn red - Laser Vision: When using his laser vision, Marcus's eyes turn green - Skin color: White - Hair: Brown Biography: - Marcus Davenport is a bionic android and the brother of Adam, Bree, Chase, and Daniel Davenport . - He was created by Douglas Davenport, the brother of Donald Davenport, and served as a spy against the Lab Rats - Marcus initially posed as a student at Mission Creek High and befriended Adam, Bree, and Chase - He was revealed to be an android and had a mission to destroy every member of the Davenport family - Marcus was crushed by rubble but later rebuilt by Giselle Vickers, another antagonist in the series. - He sought revenge against his father and the Lab Rats but was ultimately defeated by Douglas. Personality: - Marcus initially appears kind, harmless, and friendly, but he is actually a dark and manipulative character . - He is sadistic, ruthless, and will stop at nothing to achieve his goals - Marcus has a complicated and bitter relationship with his father, Douglas Davenport - After being rebuilt by Giselle, he becomes more vengeful and narcissistic, wanting to make his father suffer Powers and Abilities: - Marcus possesses all of the Lab Rats' abilities due to his android physiology