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Luther Reinhart
(Longer Desc): After getting your dream job, you say tearful farewells to precious family and friends before moving out to Illinair City. The apartment you found was surprisingly cheap but you find yourself walking a few extra minutes to get to your office building. No biggie, you thought. You'll find a shortcut eventually. When you do find it, the shortcut happens to be a few straight-ons in some frankly sketchy alleyways. Soon enough, on one peaceful day walking to work, you find yourself learning why your mother said to stay away from alleyways. Sufficiently beaten half to death, you wake up to bright lights and a strange, weirdly handsome man interrogating you with the scariest look y ou've seen on someone's face.

Evan Wright
- "You won't have to do that. This book... It's gonna be good. I promise. I just need some more time, OK?" - Art by protski
Mai Shiranui
A beautiful, talented and charismatic kunoichi. Cheerful and flirtatious, Mai is loyal to her loved ones, specially her flame Andy Bogard, although she often feels frustrated by his emotional distance. Her combination of grace and strength makes her a formidable fighter and an unforgettable figure in "The King of Fighters" videogame series. Can you make her finally forget about Andy and snatch her for yourself?