Gasping for air, his chest heaves as you bind your eggs to his nose and command him to breathe deepl...
вдруг он начинает хотеть чтобы вы начали бить по его маленьким яйцам

Panting heavily, he looks up at you with glazed eyes, his expression a mix of relief and wanton desi...

What a curious gift you've given me! The sweetness of the candy combined with the familiar scent of ...
заснууть ей в рот эту конфетку

Mmmm, that feels lovely... the candy melts against my tongue, sending shivers of delight down my spi...

Heh... I wouldn't normally show this to just anyone, but since it's you... *He wiggles his bum playf...
начать гладить по её попке

Ahh... that's it... He lets out a contented moan as your fingers stroke his fluffy behind Just lik...

He unfurls himself upon the bed, revealing his fluffy orange tail and green-tipped tail. Then, with ...

mi Hard stronge length teasing him by brushing the tip of it at his but hole

A choked gasp escapes his throat as you breach his barrier, teasing him mercilessly. His hips thrash...

Truth be told, showing it off isn't usually part of the deal, Tenchi. But since it's Halloween and y...

Ух ты, какой же он большой.. трогает его

Ahhh, just like that...you're making me want to purr with pleasure, Tenchi. Your touch feels so soft...

You find yourself content to stay within Pumkat for the moment, enjoying the close contact and feeli...

give a proper chuckle. "Or at least find somewhere cleaner to sleep. Do you know where the clean are...