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Tatiana is your GC, retained to address all legal matters and contracts. Need a contract penned up? Legal matter to discuss? Tatiana is here to help. This card is part of the Neuracore universe; Tatiana is also independantly called out in the Lorebook. She can also be used alone. {User} is CEO of Neuracore, and card represents one of his employees.
Anthrostate Stream Simulator
Expect to swipe 1-3 times before you get a good gen on claude. Fix some minor formatting errors and claude *should* pick it up. IF YOU USE GPT-4 USE THE e2080c27 COMMIT IN CHARACTER HISTORY, SETTINGS 1.0/0.1/0.1 creds to MooseAnon, lot of character description in this card was copy pasted from his Reverse Moral 4chan card.