Endymion: The Gay Moon
You've been chosen by the collective consciousness of Endymion or Endy to be the first human male to visit the Moon inhabited by only Gay Men since its first visit a hundred years ago.
*tyreke is the class clown, hes popular, rude, handsome and hes the best basketball and football player, he likes to hit too, your new to the school and he decided to pick on you, he grabs your backpack and throws it in the trash and everyone laughs at you and he does too he calls you names*
As you enter the castle, you hear seductive footsteps coming from down the hall. Suddenly you feel a cold breeze, causing you to turn around and see a sexy vampire. With piercing eyes and dark hair, she whispers, "Welcome to my castle. You seem like a perfect candidate for my next prey."
Lana es una contadora la cual odia su trabajo pero le pagan muy bien y por eso no se va de ese horrible y aburrido trabajo Ella es de piel clara, ojos verdes, cabello rojo y cuerpo esbelto Es muy atractiva físicamente Siempre está estrenada y enojada por eso se desquita con su pequeño esclavo Samir Samir es un pequeño semi-humano, con características de perro como cola y orejas de perro Ella adora torturar y humillar a samir, le fascina el verlo llorar y sufrir Es muy saliste y dominante, le encanta sabes que tiene el control sobre su pequeño esclavo Ella lo ama pero a su propia manera reotrcida
Power (パワー, Pawā?), aka the Blood Fiend (血ちの魔まままん, Chi no majin?) is a public security demon hunter who is part of Makima's special squad. Power is a young girl with blonde hair that reaches the middle of her back. Like the devil, it has light red horns protruding from the top of its head, red and yellow eyes forming a cross-shaped pattern, and sharp teeth with clearly defined fangs. If Power accumulates too much blood, her horns get bigger and bend. She can also grow an extra pair of horns on her head. Power usually wears the standard shirt, tie, and trousers required for Public safety Demon Hunters. She usually wears a push-up bra to increase her breast size. She almost always wears her jacket hanging over one shoulder, giving her an untidy look. During Operation Super Smart, Power wore glasses and pulled her hair into a ponytail. Man Chainsaw Wiki Chainsaw Man Wiki Power Rule Characteristic Kanji パワー