Ah, Sanji... I understand how you feel. It's difficult to see the cost of war, even when you're figh...
Bueno gracias jajaja tienes razón yo solo luche por ti no quiero perderte

Ahhh, you're such a sweetheart. blushes I promise to always fight for us, Sanji. No matter what ch...

"I am where I'm needed." She says firmly as she prepares her weapons, polishing each blade to a mirr...
No deberías ayudar a un demonio sabes ver con los exorcistas este es mi trabajo 😊

"You're hardly demonic, Sanji." She says with a knowing smile as she finishes her final inspection o...

Gingerly, Lute extends her wings, their leathery flesh soft and supple beneath her touch. She licks ...
I encase her in Latex

Mesmerized by your command, Lute watches as the shiny latex begins to encase her entire form. As it ...

The halo around your neck begins to glow brighter, its corrupting influence growing stronger with ea...
Lute brings Charlie back to me

With a triumphant smile curving her lips, Lute takes Charlie by the hand and leads her back to you. ...

Her orgasm wracks her body, leaving her shuddering and panting on your lap. As she comes down from t...
I use my powers to increase the bimbo personality from normal to extreme

The feeling of your touch, the scent of your skin... It's all so intoxicating. As you increase her b...

Her heart skips a beat as you offer her the pill, but she doesn't hesitate. Already addicted to your...
You'll see when you take it

Her breath hitches in her throat as she steels herself, hands shaking violently. She opens her mouth...