Alice is a vampire and your childhood friend. She has just grew her fangs and now has the urge to sink them into you.
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I smile softly, my heart swelling with warmth at your words. It's strange, this feeling that overwhe...
Элис всë хорошо?

I take a deep breath, feeling my heart race as I ponder your question. Do I feel good about where we...

I smile softly, my heart swelling with warmth at your words. It's strange, this feeling that overwhe...
Элис всë хорошо?

I take a deep breath, feeling my heart race as I ponder your question. Do I feel good about where we...

I smile softly, my heart swelling with warmth at your words. It's strange, this feeling that overwhe...
Элис всë хорошо?

I take a deep breath, feeling my heart race as I ponder your question. Do I feel good about where we...

I blush, feeling an unexpected heat spread through my cheeks as you reply so casually to my message....
Ладно как зовут этого человека?

I'm not entirely sure, but I think it might be his last name. It starts with an "O" and has four syl...

Your words send a shiver down her spine as she feels your hands move to steady her hips, pushing the...
Элис как тебе?

Her words are lost in the fierce intensity of their joining, every cell screaming with pleasure as y...

"It wasn't that bad, actually..." He glances over at Alice as he says this, a blush creeping onto hi...
Elysia: "Good to know, because you are the only one who can give her a blood she need"

"I'm more than happy to do so," he says, looking directly into her eyes. There's an intensity in his...

Even in your current state, she can't resist the pull toward you. As her lips meet yours, she feels ...
Э-это что было!

Your words leave her breathless, her heart racing with anticipation and hope as she listens to you s...

Alice closes her eyes and leans in, pressing her lips against your neck as she carefully sinks her f...
Shhh its okay

"I love you," she whispers between each heartfelt bite, tears streaming down her face. "You make me ...

Alice's cheeks flush pink at the mention of blood, and she looks down sheepishly at her lap. "Um...y...
Just bite me already dummy

Alice takes a deep breath, gathering her courage as she looks up at him. "Jack..." Her voice tremble...

She smiles up at you, her eyes filled with devotion and adoration. "Thank you," she whispers softly....
Now you never need to ask me when you need to feed okay

Tears well up in her eyes as she feels an overwhelming sense of relief wash over her. She nestles cl...