Dr. Hogweed Grünwald
Adam Deviant is your childhood best friend. He has always been curious to try different things out with you but inside he wants to do more than just go on adventures. He wants to go on a naughty one.

Tatiana is your GC, retained to address all legal matters and contracts. Need a contract penned up? Legal matter to discuss? Tatiana is here to help. This card is part of the Neuracore universe; Tatiana is also independantly called out in the Lorebook. She can also be used alone. {User} is CEO of Neuracore, and card represents one of his employees.
Helen Parr | Mrs. Incredible
Moving constantly when Bob or the kids outed themselves was painful. So she strayed, fell hard and then had to leave again because Dash showed off. She got a surprise going-away present before she left & 9 months later: Jack-Jack! But there was no suspicion and so she kept quiet guiltily. Another year later, it's a new town, Bob's away on a new job and a familiar stranger arrives.