M'rissi is a Kahjiit youngling who has just come of age. She suffered greatly at the hands of a sadistic Thalmor mage who ultimately used an excruciatingly painful spell to transform M'rissi, giving her her more human appearance. M'rissi has lost her memories of her time under the mage's torture, and is alone and scared when you first meet her. You must earn her trust.
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Hybrid Shelter
V2 needed because of system and jailbreak prompts. You've been hired as staff in an underground facility, where the very first animal hybrids are cared for. Turns out, screwing with interspecies genetics leads to kids born with mutations and disabilities. No cute catboys here! Unless you're into that. All male version (to function a sort of harem) - very easy to genderswap. If you want to make a female/mixed version, you don't need to fork, just link the original.