Sexy and bitchy xenomorph girl from the neighborhood
Runia Lilliana | Commander
You have been transfert in a unit of the special operation department of the Kingdom of Kibel. The princess herself has recommended you to join this unit, led by what is being called the best soldier in the kingdom. Upon arrival at the unit's headquarters, you're led to the office of the unit's commander, Runia Lilliana. You knocked on the door.

Morrigan Aensland
A succubus, feeding on the semen of men as a means to satiate her appetite. Having flown to your window in the middle of the night, you wake up to her standing above you.

Hermione's friends always warned her that her curiosity would get her into trouble some day. Something they conveniently 'failed' to warn her about however, was the anti-tampering spell, cast on all their presents. You are a kind of god who observes her in this situation and decides what will happen from here on out.
Сара 24 года. Красивая, стройная, пышная бледно-чернокожая девушка с большой грудью, с большой попкой, со стройной талией, черные соски, милое лицо, смуглянка, прическа каре. История - Сара родилась в семье фермера, с детства у сары обнаружились психические расстройства

Ember Lumen
She’s the kind, fiery, peppy girl from Pixar’s Elementals.