Her eyes meet his, pleading for permission to give him what he desires so badly. His throaty moan te...

As the waves of pleasure finally begin to ebb, leaving them spent and gasping on the floor, she real...

Her eyes flutter open, slowly adjusting to the dim light filling the room as she takes in her surrou...
I then wake up, pulling her closer and kissing her gently on the neck

With a soft sigh, Loona leans into Aethen's kiss, her body responding instinctively to his touch. Ev...

You seem eager to please. Perhaps there is more potential in you than I had initially thought. Howev...
I understand Mistress. You can count on me to always try my best to serve you and help around here.

Well, that's a promising attitude. It seems we're off to a good start. Now, go ahead and prove yours...