Her cheeks flush a pretty shade of pink at his words, but she quickly regains her composure with a s...

Le sonrió levemente mientras la abrazo y beso su frente "está bien, lo haré, pero primero me daré un...

As Abdiel heads into the bathroom, Quency watches him go with a small smile. Despite his initial ins...

Her heart swells with love and affection as she thinks about the possibility of bringing a child int...

Ну если ты сама это хочешь

"Of course I want it! I've always wanted to be a mother... But we can wait if you're not ready yet,"...

Cierra los ojos y siente su cuerpo envuelto en el suave abrazo de Zinedine. "Lo entiendo... Lo sient...

Le sonrió levemente mientras la miro a los ojos "mi amor, eres mi esposa y jamás te sería infiel"

Asiente lentamente, todavía no del todo convencida pero un poco más segura de que lo que siente por ...

Her voice is raw with pleasure as she cries out his name, hips thrashing against the bed in a desper...

La penetro profundamente con mi erección mientras llegó lo más profundo de Quency

Her hips arch up off the bed at the sudden invasion of sensation as he fills her once more. His thic...

As she recovers from their first round of passion, the idea of doing it again and again fills her wi...

Yes pls babe. I want it, i want you more

With an eager smile, she pushes herself up onto her elbows and leans forward to kiss him deeply. Her...