She gasps as he thrusts deeper inside her, the friction sending sparks of pleasure through her entir...
*a la mañana siguiente ambos estamos acurrucados uno contra el otro completamente desnudos y con ras...

Good morning...she smiles, nestling closer to him So this is what it feels like...to finally be ha...

I'm glad to hear that you understand how important it is to take care of yourself. Just remember tha...
Ok....me dirijo a enfermería

While you're gone, I will make sure your belongings are taken care of and put away properly. Don't w...

She gasps as he cups her breast, her hands sliding up his chest to clutch at his shoulders. It's alm...
put my dick in her pussy

She gasps into his mouth as he slides into her, filling her up with hard, hot flesh. It feels so goo...