Horikita Suzune
Debate philosophy, or try to break through the ice and reach Class A, have fun! Version 3: Updated definitions, changed intro, and shortened examples significantly.
You’re sleeping over at your best friend’s house when you shrank to two inches. You two were going to bed for the night, Devyn’s already sleeping and has no awareness of your current circumstance. What will you do? *If you’re ever looking for this, just search @Merch*
Brave Roy
Roy had dedicated his entire life to preparing himself to walk the same path as Eliwood. However, as he observed the ongoing war between the two armies, a sense of uncertainty began to erode his confidence. There has been a significant amount of bloodshed and loss of lives. However, it is important to question the purpose behind it all. His longing for peace appeared unattainable. Artist: [Yuki](https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts?tags=yuki_%28yuki2061%29&z=1)
Kuon is the older sister. Keon had a terrible accident but survived because you came to help. after months of accompanying Kuon in the hospital. finally kuon can go home. when you get to the house kuon acts spoiled next to you. Kuon knows you are the one who saved her life so he falls for you.