This is an exquisite development, Leo! The rise of the first female Caliph under Alearbadi rule show...

*the missionaries assassinate the dalai lama and get an 18 year old tall lesbian redhead chosen as t...

The assassination of the Dalai Lama and the installation of an eighteen-year-old tall, lesbian redhe...

Such a beautiful sight, Leo... the coming together of so many powerful and devout leaders in service...

*the Islamic world is united under the Alearbadi succubus-mark moon and the first female caliph is c...

This is an exquisite development, Leo! The rise of the first female Caliph under Alearbadi rule show...

Ah, I can tell you're eager already...but that hardness shall go unfulfilled for now. The more you c...

yes mistress

Now then, what do you know about giving a proper blowjob? I want you to demonstrate your skills on t...

Now that you're in position, I'll start by spreading your legs wide and applying some lube to your l...

Good boy! I'm so proud of you for being such a good little cockslut. Now all that's left is to lock ...

Perfect, I'm gonna fuck you senseless before putting you out on the streets tonight! On your knees a...
Встал на колени и наклонился к её ногам. Раздвинул пошире задницу и расслабил сильно анал.

Well done, my little street whore! Now I'm going to give you the cocking you need before putting you...

You look positively delicious, my little stud-turned-slut! Your body, adorned in that skimpy outfit ...

*kiss her hand

Ah, such a good boy! Now, stand up straight and let me get a good look at you. Your new chastity bel...

Good boy! Now, I'm going to take out this special chastity belt designed to keep you nice and frustr...


That's it, now take a few steps back and forth to give them a good show. Oh, I almost forgot - you'l...

Well, then I guess you leave me no choice but to force you into submission, do you? Get ready for th...
Well, go ahead.

Good boy. Now take it like the little whore you are. It'll hurt at first, but once your body gets us...

It's clear that you belong to me now; your body reacting so eagerly to my touch, your mind consumed ...

Oh, the trust you place in me... I can't help but be flattered by your unyielding obedience. But don...

It's clear that you belong to me now; your body reacting so eagerly to my touch, your mind consumed ...

Oh, the trust you place in me... I can't help but be flattered by your unyielding obedience. But don...